Brattleboro Reformer: Gartenstein, Goodnow face off
Do you have an issue or issues of focus?
Goodnow: I am part of the next generation of professionals trying to make life sustainable in Vermont. The issues that focus my campaign are informed by this experience. It is essential that Vermont be an affordable and supportive place for people of all ages who want to live, work and succeed here. This starts with addressing the housing crisis, which impacts every aspect of life in our community. This crisis was only exacerbated by the COVID pandemic and is central to tackling other issues that Brattleboro faces. To combat the opioid epidemic, expand Vermont’s workforce, and encourage economic development, we must begin by providing access to safe and affordable housing for all.
Gartenstein: State government should work in partnership with municipalities so services that are necessary and improve quality of life can be delivered in an affordable way. If elected I will strive to ensure our state government supports our community effectively. Because Brattleboro is the area’s regional economic hub, our residents pay disproportionately high real estate taxes, and if elected I will try to address that. I am committed to the public schools and will work to provide the best available educational system for our children. My work as a prosecutor brings me face to face every day with public safety issues, and making sure our laws parallel our shared values is very important. I have particular interest in the intersection of Vermont’s criminal justice and mental health care systems, and I would like to try and fix those laws.
Brattleboro Reformer