The Issues


Safe, affordable housing is a human right. Period. The housing crisis sits at the intersection of almost every issue our community is facing. If we want to tackle those other issues critical to Brattleboro, we need to start by providing access to safe affordable housing for all.


Vermont needs to be a place that is affordable and supportive for all people who want to live and thrive here. From younger people looking to lay down roots and start businesses and families, to our older community members who want to be able to afford to retire here. We need leadership in Montpelier who will work to ensure that we have a tax structure that is fair and equitable and ensures the everyone is paying their fair share and a system to fund our public education that is sustainable.

Criminal Justice

We have insufficiently supported our criminal justice system in Vermont and the result is massive backlogs in the Courts and system that struggles to achieve a just result for all. Further, that lack of support means that the critical intersection of Criminal Justice and Mental health is woefully ill prepared to handle the massive needs in our communities. We need a robust justice system with wrap around services so we can achieve justice and support all of our community members.

Working For Brattleboro

During my time on the Brattleboro Selectboard I saw the many challenges faced daily by our town and became intimately aware of the limitations of our municipal government to solve them on its own. We are going to need to work at every level of government to resolve the issues our community is facing today. We need to better connect our municipal efforts with the work being done in Montpelier so that the residents of Brattleboro are better served by every level of government. I want to bring my experience and relationships that I have have with our local municipal leaders to this role as representative.